General/Minimally Invasive Surgery
Dr. Velarde’s spectrum of procedures range from small lumps and bumps to breast cancer and colon rectal surgery among others. With his Laparoscopy training he is able to perform these surgeries through small dime size incisions, also known as key hole surgery.
With this technique, recovery time is faster and pain after surgery is significantly reduced.
Melbourne General Surgery Areas:
- Breast Surgery
- Ventral and Inguinal Hernias
- Hiatal and Paraespphageal Hernias
- Reflux surgery and Nissen procedure.
- Gallbladder Disease
- Wound care
- Colon and Rectal Surgery
- Adrenal Gland Surgery
- Distal Pancreatectomy
- Hemorrhoids
- Stomach and Small Bowel
- EGD/Colonoscopy