Know Your Numbers in 2018

Know Your Numbers in 2018 January is a month in which many take stock of their previous year and determine to make changes for the better to usher in the New Year. This is a time when many set goals for a myriad of things. They let go of the past and determine that...

Holiday Party Survival

Holiday Party Survival This is the time of year when the chocolate flows like a river and the baked goods pile up faster than a New England snow storm. Every break room is filled to the brink with goodies and savory treats that are most certainly hard to pass up. It’s...

How to Recover from Thanksgiving

How to Recover from Thanksgiving Are you one of the many who left the Thanksgiving table more stuffed than the turkey you just consumed? If you went way overboard this past Thanksgiving Day, please know that you are not alone. The average American consumes more than...

National Diabetes Awareness Month

National Diabetes Awareness Month The daylight has shortened and cooler weather is making its way to Brevard County. There certainly is a lot going on during the month of November. Did you also know that November is National Diabetes Month? For the duration of...

Steps Towards Diabetes Prevention

Steps Towards Diabetes Prevention We recently covered the basics of Diabetes and now want to continue the discussion. Your health and wellness is our priority at Advanced Surgical and Weight Loss Institute. This is why we treat each and every one of our clients on an...

Get Yourself Back on Track

Get Yourself Back on Track Life has a way of throwing each of us curve balls. One minute you are ecstatic over your current weight loss and sticking to the plan with total success and then the next…well, you are off track and wondering where it all went awry. Listen,...