Jan 6, 2017 | Exercise, Uncategorized, Weight Loss Program
Advice for Exercise Newbies Now that the holidays are over, many are turning their sights to the New Year and all that new beginnings can bring. The coming new year represents a chance to make changes both big and small for many. What about you? What have you set your...
Dec 29, 2016 | Bariatric Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Lap Band Surgery
The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery As we get older our metabolism naturally starts to slow down, making easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. To combat this many people turn to dieting and exercising. While this can work for some people, for others it’s an...
Dec 29, 2016 | Weight Loss
Avoid Gaining Weight This Holiday Season For most, the holidays mean spending time with family and friends, merriment, parties, and of course lots of food and sweets. Grandma’s famous potato salad, roasted turkey, Aunt Jill’s sugar cookies, cakes, chocolates, and more...
Dec 22, 2016 | Bariatric Surgery
The Stigma Surrounding Obesity Obesity in the United States is a hot topic of conversation. As with other social problems surrounding us, we are quick to look for someone to blame. The popular culprits range from hormone pumped meat consumption, fast food chains, and...
Dec 15, 2016 | Exercise, Fitness, Uncategorized
Running for Weight Loss Daily exercise is widely recommended by doctors and health care professionals, and running is a form of cardiovascular exercise widely promoted in order to lose weight. However, while running can do wonders for your physical and mental health,...
Dec 5, 2016 | Uncategorized, Weight Loss Surgery
Why Weight Loss Surgery? When considering surgical weight loss, it’s important to understand the benefits. For starters, excess weight is associated with other health problems. Extra pounds don’t only add to the numbers on the scale, they also add health...