The Fight Against Diabetes

The Fight Against Diabetes

The Fight Against Diabetes On the heels of our other blog about sugary foods being pushed on our children, it seemed appropriate to discuss the topic of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the most common in children and is not caused by eating habits, although what they eat...

What is Making Us Fat?

What is Making Us Fat? The United States is well known throughout the world for being the most overweight country. This is not something to be proud of, but instead, it is an alarming fact. This should be our wake up call. With all the professional sports we have in...
What Is Happening to My Body?

What Is Happening to My Body?

What Is Happening to My Body? There are a few times in our lives that women ask ourselves this. The first time is during puberty. The second time is during pregnancy if you ever go through it. The third time is during menopause. Two of these three are completely out...

Swimming – For the Health of it

Swimming – For the Health of it During the colder winter months, we tend to become less active. We aren’t outdoors as much, so we aren’t walking as much. If you run as part of your exercise routine, you may opt for other less strenuous, indoor exercises. The...
Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part Two – Women

Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part Two – Women

Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part Two – Women In our previous post, we looked at men’s battles to get rid of unwanted belly fat. In this blog, we will be addressing the women. As mentioned in the previous blog, men and women store and metabolize fat differently....
Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part One – Men

Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part One – Men

Belly Fat, Our Common Enemy: Part One – Men We have all experienced it at some time in our lives – belly fat. For some of you, it may have only been when you were an infant.  We can all agree that there is nothing quite as adorable as a little round baby...