Jul 16, 2014 | Bariatric Surgery, Diet, Exercise
Walking for Better Health There is no doubt that exercise plays a vital role in health and wellness. Options range from high intensity cardio, elliptical machines, and heavy lifting to yoga and dancing with everything else in between. With so many options it can be...
Jun 26, 2014 | Bariatric Surgery, Diet
Proactive Health And Weight Loss Steps You Should Take Following Bariatric Surgery Many people think that bariatric surgery is a no-work form of weight loss. They expect the weight to simply fall off following the surgery. It is important to understand that Melbourne...
May 9, 2014 | Bariatric Surgery, Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss Surgery
After your Melbourne FL bariatric surgery, your meal portions are much smaller. Your new diet helps you progress with weight loss in a nutritionally sound manner to reach your health goals. Eating a variety of foods will help you obtain adequate protein, vitamins and...
Apr 28, 2014 | Diet, Exercise, Nutrition
5 Simple Strategies For Keeping The Weight Off For Good Don’t snub the scale Weigh yourself once every two weeks to make sure pounds aren’t creeping back. Draw a goal ladder Write something that you want to achieve on each rung. Include mini-goals like “I won’t...