Get Started On The Right Track
On the quest for wellness and weight loss, many begin a regimen of exercise, at the behest of and approval from their doctors. Your Brevard County weight loss surgeon does more than just perform bariatric surgeries including: Lap band, Gastric Bypass, and Gastric Sleeve. We are with you from start to finish to ensure that your surgery and resulting weight loss are successful. We want you to be informed. We value your health and wellbeing.
Part of an effective plan for weight loss and toning after bariatric surgery includes implementing exercise. If you are new to exercise or returning after a long break it can be easy to over do it. Exercise is vital for health but you don’t want to risk injury for the sake of weight loss. Of course you are ready to get started on your journey but it is always best to play it safe.
Here are some tips on how to safely and positively return to or begin an exercise regimen.
Talk to Your Health Providers
After bariatric surgery, you will need time to heal. Don’t rush into an overly aggressive exercise plan. Your care team at Advanced Surgical and Weight Loss Institute can guide you on when and how to get moving again.
After you leave our care, be sure to stay in touch with your primary care physician. They can give you tips on when to start actively moving and what exercises are best.
Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should
Once you are healed and cleared to begin exercising, take it slow. You are probably ready and willing to go the extra mile to lose the weight but you have to be careful. Can you lift a ton? Perhaps, but that does not mean you should. Talk to the experts and find an exercise plan that works for you and where you are in your journey.
This is a process. You will succeed. Much like the tortoise in the fable The Tortoise and the Hare, slow and steady always wins the race. Commitment to change means so much more than a few days of hard work followed by a burnout.
Finish Your Workout With Stretching
Complete your workout with a nice stretch. Stretching has multiple benefits such as increasing elevating levels of oxygen, sending vital nutrients to the muscles in your body, and increasing the flow of blood. Not only that, stretching helps keep your body limber and may help prevent injuries.